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Ramsey Scott

P.O. Box 1750

Ranchos de Taos, NM 87557



Who am I and why I do what I do.

​I remember the first time the mystery and magic of wool captivated my attention. I was visiting my community's annual Taos Wool Festival, an international week-end festival where weavers, fiber artisans, spinners, dyers, farmers, pretty much anyone interested in wool comes to show, share, and sell their wares. Well, I was watching a spinning exhibition when the wool that was being fed into the wheel separated. I thought "Oh my goodness, how is she going to fix this?" Then the magic, which had always been before my blind eyes suddenly appeared! She simply held the small wisp of broken wool near to the wisp resting in the spinning wheel, when lo and behold it seemed to reach for its separate-self and reconnect. I stood mesmerized, stunned and hooked, (yes, pun intended). Right then and there I knew I needed to know more. So off I went in search of history, facts, fictions and the romance of wool. I visited all the surrounding fiber centered farms and The Mora Valley Spinning Mill. I went to Espanola Valley Fiber Arts Center. I bought books, researched the internet and finally, determined to see first hand the remnants of the history that wool wrought, off I went to England where I set about a wool pilgrimage. WOW! The things I discovered! Too much to write here but I hope your imagination is piqued. Needless to say but I am a romantic when it comes to Wool!

Classes, Workshops and More...

What a privilege to share my love of felting and of wool with others.  For the past two years, I have been honored to awaken the passion of creativity through felting to students of Taos Municipal Schools through The Visiting Artist Program.  A program that brings in a variety of arts and arts education by connecting professional artist with young and burgeoning  imaginations.

The students have made wool mobiles, animals, necklaces, name plates, and self portraits.




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2010 - present
2010 - present
A Wee History

I have offered and continue to offer workshops in Santa Fe, NM and at The Española Valley Fiber Arts Center in Española, NM, as well as private classes here in my beloved Taos, NM.  Subscribe to my email for updates on classes, shows, and new works.

​Felting is one of the oldest forms of creating a textile; it is around 3,000 years old. Many felt creations from fourth and fifth century have been discovered, items such boots, cloaks, door flaps, yurts, carpets, horse and human blankets, vests and hats.  Three-dimensional felt objects as well as highly refined wool inlays, many on display in  St. Petersburg, Russia at the State Hermitage Museum. Wet felting was used through out history to create the oldest acknowledged form of textile and needle felting is relatively new.  Wool is a natural protein fiber and at a microscopic level is barbed. Using a barbed needle compresses the air and binds the barbed fibers. The wool often times will suggest a shape or design to the artist and is fairly obedient when shaping. With simple tools one can begin an inexpensive, expressive and yes, dare I say it, a meditative journey. 


A photo from 2017 Taos Wool Festival - 

John Dunn Shops, Taos, NM

Students happily and proudly displaying the felted creations.

Self- Portraits Made into a hanging Quilt.

"Don't you think it looks just like me?"

Want to Felt - Beginning Supplies

If you are interested in learning to needle felt you will need this basic supply list. Three feting needles: gauges #36, #38, and #40. Wool Top in a variety of colors and a sturdy foam pad. All of which you can order through my web-site or find on-line. Also check your local fiber shop.  If you order from me, included in your order will be instructions. You can also find many helpful You-Tube Tutorials. Happy Felting!

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